GuestDeck provides a large selection of attractive registration page templates, with your Modern event data management and event registration with the help of their software. Chances are, you are organizing your event on your own or with a small team. Many of us might have done it, when it’s the day before your event and you are running through the lists of everything that needs to happen to make your event a success. They provide you with many options which are flexible enough and allow guests to be organized. 150w" sizes="(max-width: 229px) 85vw, 229px">
To ensure that your guest is seated at the right place, they provide you with many options which are flexible enough and allow guests to be organized by various criteria. To encourage guest interaction at your event they have better ideas and they include live polls, surveys, contests and more. With their interactive mobile applications, you can increase the value of your event and make it more popular. The experts here at GuestDeck help you capture the exact information needed by your guests, by giving the secure online registration and ticketing solution.
Due to better and more accessible technology tools have helped us in gathering more and more buckets of event data. At such times it’s really very hard to find the time and resources to answer even routine questions from ticket buyers, and most of the times you may end up scolding them or getting frustrated. Key in your guests’ information or upload it from a file or another application and once your attendees are uploaded, you can arrange them into groups. These tools let you quickly create fully customizable table plans for events and assigned seating arrangements for your guests. You can compare the “Event Data Management”, to the pipe that runs between all the buckets and feeds the cauldron.